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Annual Report 2021: WG regulation

C. Augusto, F. Dominguez, A. Karameros, M. Gacic, A. Nofuentes, D. Presic, M. Troncia, J.P. Chaves, A. Pinarelli


The BRIDGE Regulatory working group was established at the origin of the BRIDGE initiative with the objective of fostering knowledge sharing among H2020 projects affected or addressing by different regulatory aspects in the Energy domain. The Regulatory WG, as the entire BRIDGE initiative, structures its activities on a yearly basis. In the last years, different topics have been addressed, resulting in most cases on specific reports that can be shared not only within the BRIDGE community, but with a larger audience. At the beginning of 2021, the BRIDGE Regulatory working group was composed of 52 projects represented by 109 participants. It is a live group where new contributors are always joining and leaving as results of the natural evolution of the projects. This “staff rotation” facilitates a dynamic environment for the introduction of new topics of interest. However, it also creates a continuation challenge when a leading project in one of the topics concludes its engagement with BRIDGE. As a solution, in 2021, the Regulatory WG will not only tackle a number of pre-identified tracks but will also propose a new mechanism to facilitate the continuation of activities by new projects joining the initiative – whenever these activities remain of interest. As part of the action plan of 2021, the Regulatory WG also examined how the best practices and regulatory recommendations from the projects could support the activities of the Action Plan for the Digitalization of the Energy Sector.

Spanish layman's summary:

El BRIDGE Regulatory working group promueve el intercambio de conocimientos entre proyectos H2020 en aspectos regulatorios. El grupo examinó cómo las mejores prácticas y recomendaciones regulatorias podrían apoyar el Plan de Acción para la Digitalización del Sector Energético.

English layman's summary:

The BRIDGE Regulatory working group promotes knowledge sharing among H2020 projects addressing regulatory aspects in the energy domain. The Regulatory WG examined how best practices and regulatory recommendations could support the Action Plan for the Digitalization of the Energy Sector.

Keywords: Regulation, Horizon Europe, H2020; knowledge sharing

IIT Project: EUniversal (EUniversal)

Funding entity: European Comission.

Publication date: 31-03-2023


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